As the last echoes of a sublime weekend of music reverberate off into the cosmos, the Seaprog Central Committee wants to extend our inexpressible thanks to all of the musical mages, deep listeners, photographers, volunteers, Columbia City Theater crew, and Shunpike staffers who made this the most successful Seaprog to date. Indeed, after losing significant amounts of money on each past edition of this labor of love, we’re exhilarated to announce that in 2018, Seaprog finally broke even for the first time, thanks entirely to your support. We love you all for it and pledge to keep the progressive banner waving in Seattle for years to come (yes, we’re already setting dates for next year).

A special shout to exhausted volunteers Julie Barnett (MVP), official Seaprog photographer Danette Davis, Alicia Rinehart, Eric Amrine, Brendan Leber, and Charley Rowan for keeping the locomotive on the rails; Mike Pollack and Patrick Alexander for the generous radio coverage; Debi Byrd, Helaine Burch, Jennifer and Gillian Fisher, and other friends who traveled great distances to attend the festival, and of course every one of the extraordinary musicians who gifted us with your magic.

—Dennis, John, Jon, Joe, Dave & Tom
Yer ever-lovin’ Seaprog Central Committee

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