As the days tick down to zero (Seaprog Day Zero, that is), excitement is mounting here at Central Committee Headquarters. Our spartan accommodations are plastered with Nik Turner posters to get us in the mood for some epic space travel on Sunday night. And for the first time in the history of this prog festival, an actual Mellotron will take the stage. That’s a pretty significant milestone, and we’re thinking we could probably get away with just setting it up on the stage and having everyone file by reverently. But no, it’s going to get played!

And MoeTar! Have you watched their videos yet? Amazing stuff, and we’ll get to see it live right before our eyes.

Getting really psyched for Debora Petrina too. Make sure you watch her new video for a taste of what’s to come.

Don’t for a moment think it’s all about the headliners from out of town. From the beginning, one of our goals in staging this festival is to show Seattle what an incredible amount of creative music is being made right here in the area. General Mojo’s, Johnny Unicorn, Panther Attack, Pink Octopus… they all present music in a wide variety of styles, often in venues that don’t do them justice. We aim to change that. You can see great music without having to deal with drunken guys looking for hookups.

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