As the festival dates approach at roughly the pace of one day every 24 hours, the Central Committee has been busy getting everything ready behind the scenes. There is so much to do! Once again, the wonderful Nat Damm has designed our poster this year, and once again he’s come through with flying colors (mostly pale yellows, dark browns, and a kind of reddish tinge we don’t have a name for).

Seaprog 2018 poster by Nat Damm
Seaprog 2018 poster by Nat Damm

Two recent additions to the line-up are now posted on the artist and schedule pages. On Friday at 8:00 in the front room we’ll have a pulsating set of space rock from Star Cradle. Check out their video for a taste of what to expect. And then on Sunday, the front room will host A Word in Edgewise, a unique duo featuring Clark Battle and his custom electronic cello and Kevin Cook on drums. They’ll mix improvisation and prepared compositions in a sonic stew unlike anything you’re likely to have heard.

Advance ticket sales are humming along (in odd meters, no doubt), putting Seaprog well above previous years, proving that perseverance in the face of difficulties can pay off. If you haven’t made your arrangements yet, now is the time! And if you can’t attend, please consider making a charitable contribution to help support creative music. Use the Donate button above.

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