Tiny Orchestral Moments promotional photo
Tiny Orchestral Moments promotional photo

Today we have two announcements regarding this year’s Seaprog festival. First, we are happy to present Tiny Orchestral Moments performing on Sunday, June 3. This group is organized by Steve Ball, and is related to Seattle Guitar Circle. In addition to members of the Circle, musicians from around the world have collaborated with TOM, in performances that combine composition and improvisation. The exact lineup is yet to be determined, but it’s bound to be good – some who have been involved recently are Matt Chamberlain, Igor Abuladze, Alex Anthony Faide, Carl Germain, Beth Fleenor, Amy Denio, Nora Germain, Kathy Moore, and Jaxie Binder.

Second, due to uncertainties surrounding the international border crossing, Vancouver’s Marching Mind has had to bow out. We’ll be making further announcements as we work out the revised schedule.

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